Wednesday, July 8, 2015

ED-TECH chapter 4




Chapter IV

  • Introduction
  • Blackboard or Chalkboard 
  • Bulletin Board or Information Board
  •  Flannel Board
  • Pictures
  • Graphs
  • Charts


               The equipments, appliances and machines that is described in this chapter is under the heading hardware which suffer from a serious common limitations. They cannot function as a teaching-learning aid unless they are provided with some useful materials called software( such as Magic lanterns, film projectors, overhead projectors, Tape recorder, video appliances, computers, and teaching machines. The objective "soft " in this chapter is given with valid reasons:
  1. Materials used in the preparation is quite soft than in the hardware.
  2. Presentation is based on the knowledge and principles of psychology and art rather than the scientific and technical knowledge involved in hardware.
  3. It is simple and non-technical to use as media aids in the teaching-learning process.
  • Represents the oldest and most commonly used teaching aid.
  • Can be used for the display of visual materials in the classroom teaching.
  • Synonymous to a classroom
The new educational policy tremendous emphasis has been given to the necessity and use of a blackboard  as an instructional aid by the name " Operation Blackboard ".

  1.  Said to be the right hand of the teacher.
  2.  Can be used as a motivation for arousing the interest of the students while learning a lesson.
  3.  Effective in all the subjects of the school curriculum.
  4. Indispensable and Irreplaceable.
  5. Can be use for summarizing lesson, highlighting the main points, providing assignments, drills, revisions, practices, homework for his students.
  6. Can be use to test their comprehension and understanding of the contents taught.
  7. Has a unique advatage of allowing the students and teachers to sketch and draw any thing at their will according to the needs and requirements of the teaching and learning.
  8. Can permit quick change and rearrangement of the writing and drawing displayed on it.
  9. Helps the student to learn how to draw, sketch, do diagrams, graphs and map.
  10. Provides opportunity for the teachers and students to reduce the spelling mistakes to minimum and write, read many things correctly as possible.
  1.   Have proper idea of the different types of chalkboard. ex.( roller type, fixed wooden or cement, glass surface, movable wooden and easels chalkboards.)
  2. Choose the proper portion or section of the chalkboard where in the students can see it clearly.
  3.  Must always make sure that the chalkboard is thoroughly clean before putting into use.
  4. Must learn the correct way of erasing the writings on the board which is the uniformly downward stroke of erasing.
  5. Must make use of a full-length good quality chalk.
  6. Spend some time to learn the proper handling of chalk.
  7.  Sketched or written on the blackboard should be appropriate and suitable from the visibility of the students.
  8. There must not be an incorrect sketched or writings on the blackboard.
  9. Side-by-side explanations to the illustrations written should not be forgotten.
  10. Sketched and write only the needed and relevant information.
  11. Provide opportunities for the students to be able to write and sketched.
  12. Suitable colored chalks should be use to emphasize some main points.
  13. Must have the right pose and right angle when writing something on the chalkboard.
  14. Should learn the use of techniques such as pattern, grid, hidden drawing, projection and template techniques.
  15. After the use of the chalkboard, it is the teachers's duty to erase all the writings on the board.

  A type of display board that can be use for displaying to the viewers the appropriate visual material to provide valuable information and learning experiences as well as a platform for displaying the individual or group accomplishment of the students.


  1. Act as a source of motivation and means of arousing curiousity and interest in the learners.
  2. Provides suitable place and attractive platform for the display of all types of the creative works of the students.
  3. Useful for carrying out learning activities in the school curriculum and linked with the topics of general knowledge and current interest can be properly displayed.
  4. Useful for carrying out announcements concerning the school's curricular and co-curricular activities.
  5. Helpful in presenting the current classroom works in a visualized form.
  6. Provides visual information for carrying out an individual or group projects.
  7. Can provide students to work with team spirit and also provide platform for healthy competitions and hidden talents.
  8. Can be a source of a strong attraction to the viewers.
  9. May help parents to get insights into the progress of their wards and working of the institution.
  10. Can help to bring the school closer to the community resulting into the improvement of the instructional processes and functioning of the institution.

  •   It should not be expensive and difficult.
  • decissions in putting a bulletin board should be done cautiously.
  • the location should be well planed, wisely selected and suitably well lit.
  • placed at the eye level of the students approximately at the height of 2 to 3 feet above the ground.
  • Use frames made of wood/ plywood.
  • Surface should be kept smooth enough to allow easily thumbtacks or pins.
  • Provide an adequate background for the display materials.
  • board is fitted with glass or wire net frame so it can be properly locked.
  • Current event and news stories
  • Book Jackets
  • Announcements
  • Pictures/ Photographs
  • Student's Colections
  • Opinnion on some current topics
  • Book reviews
  • Assignments
  • Maps and Graphs
  • Student's work
  • Featured articles
  • Bibliographies
  • future topics/ projects
  • Cartoons and posters
  • Subjects' Club activities
  1. Task related to the organization of the displays should be given to the teacher or an experienced and enthusiastic teachers.
  2. Valuable learning experiences which are educative to the viewers should be the only displayed.
  3. Avoid crowding of display materials.
  4. materials displayed should be bold and large for the viewers to see at a reasonable distance.
  5. Should have specific educational significance.
  6. displayed materials should create good impression to the viewers interms of its arrangement, order treatment, neatness and aesthetic and as well as artistic sensibility.
  7. displayed materials should be easily understood and grasp by the viewer as conviniently as possible.
  8. most of the displayed materials should be the result of the works and collections of the students with the guide of the teachers.
  9. Should be adequately spaced and identified with the used of appropriate captions and titles.
  10. Students should not post materials without the permission of the teacher.
  11. tacks and pins should be used in a way that provides minimum interference to the displayed materials.
  12. display materials should be updated from time to time.
  13. One should follow the necessary psychological principles and artistic appeal. 

  • Display board whose surface is carried with a particular type of cloth named flannel.
  • Most effective means of easy and immediate display.
  • Also used for the effective aid for teaching and learning the subject matter.
  • Plays a significant role of in the teaching of lessons related to story telling, narrating or expressing historical sequence .
               Start by taking a flat board of thin plywood, Masonite board or heavy card with the size of 4m x 3m then stretched a suitable colored flannel cloth tightly and glue or attached it to the board.
                       For displaying these illustrations on the flannel board, small pieces of flannel cloth or sand paper are pasted on the reverse side of the displayed illustrations. This is a quite effective aid in the teaching and learning of various subjects. It is helpful in illustrating as well as explaining different types of processes and procedures, development of a theme or building of a story.
                       It gives students useful opportunity to display their creative expressions and mental abilities besides providing the useful educative experiences related to the various aspects of a subject.

  1. Good quality of flannel should be use for deriving better results.
  2. Good quality of sandpaper or flannel should be used for pasting and sticking to the backside of the material ( USE SMALL AMOUNT OF ADHESIVE)
  3. Selection of the items to be displayed should be made with great precaution.
  4. Illustrations with sandpaper or flannel stick on their back should be put with small amount of pressure. 
  5. Avoid crowding of materials remove at once after serving its purpose.
  6. rubbed the flannel with brush from time to time to maintain its roughness and fibrous nature.
  7. Should not be used as substitute for chalkboard or bulletin board and it should only be use when it offers more in terms of educative gains than other display boards and visual media.
  8. Avoid light colors that gets dirty easily and colors that might not provide good contrast to the displayed items.
  9. Displayed items and materials should be prepared by the students with the guidance of the teacher to provide valuable and creative experience for the students that makes them participant in the learning process.
  10. Preserved safely the displayed items for future use classify and keep it useful and usable.

  • Most convenient and common aid.
  • Used in all areas of subject matter.
  • Can bring history before the students through pictorial representation of fatcs, objects and events.
  1. Market
  2. Enroll as a member of the libraries of the teacher's training institutions and the audio-visual department of SCERT's and NCERT.
  3. Collect from publishing materials.
  4. From magazines, newspapers, books and comics.
  5. Photograph with the help of good camera.
  1. Picture as an aid should be clear to the teachers.
  2. Utilize to serve only one or single specific purpose at a time.
  3. Criteria of a proper and judicious selection of these pictures should be consider.
Kielfer and Chocran (1966:29)
  • General Value ( Whoare thw students?, What are the purposes or objectives served by it?, Will it add to the students knowledge?.)
  • Suitability ( Will it contribute to the learning situations?)
  • Artistic ( Does it meets artistic standards?)
  • Technically correct ( Does it show what it supposed to present?)
  • Well composed ( Does it have center of interest or confusing?)
  • Clear in Detail (Are the details clear and meaningful or too many?)
  • Realistic ( Is it truthful?)
  • Size related ( Are there familiar picture that students can determine relative sizes?)
  • Effective in color contrast ( If color is used, Is it truthful and meaningful/ If black and white is used, Are contrast sharp and clear?)
      4. Presentation of pictures and events in a single theme should be shown one after the other.
      5. Should only be displayed and used when needed.
      6. Must learn the proper way of mounting pictures.

             Visual graphic aids that help in the visual presentation of numerical data with the objective of providing a gist of information along with revealing any important relationships contained in the data as quick and effectively as possible.

  •  Combination of graphic and pictorial media, designed for the orderly and logical visualizing of relationships between key facts or ideas.
  1. useful at every stage of classroom teaching.
  2. Represents and communicates the desired information or data related to a subject visually in a beautifully synthesized graphical and pictorial form.
  • To show relationships
  • To present information
  • To help in the visual presentation of the abstract ideas
  • To help in the quick clarification of the meanings
  • To raise issue and help in the process of systematic thinking and intelligent understanding.
  • To inculcate interest, capture student attention and provide motivation.




a) Should help in the realization of the definite instructional objectives.
b) Prepare in school with the help of the students 
c) Proper care should be consider in the selection of charts
d) Charts must have such qualities:
  • UNITY (serve single definite purpose)
  • SIMPLICITY (presentation should be simple, clear and understandable)
  • ORGANIZATION (Organization should be attractive and appealing)
  • VISIBILITY (Messages and information should be clearly viewed.
  1. What to be displayed and conveyed should be considered.
  2. The required ideas and information should be properly analyzed.
  3. Due care should be taken in coloring and lettering the chart. 
  • The modified flattened presentation of the earth's spherical surface or any particular section of it.
  1. Land and Water forms (Continents, Oceans, Bays, Peninsulas, Islands, Straits.)
  2. Relief features (Plains, Mountains, Rivers, Deserts, Plateau, Swamps, Valley)
  3. Directions and Distance ( Cardinal Directions, Distance in miles or Kilometers and Relative distance scales.)
  4. Social Data (Population Density, Size of communities, location of major cities)
  5. Economic Information ( Industrial and Agricultural production, Soil Fertility, trade factors, locations of Industries)
  6.  Political Information ( Political divisions, boundaries, capitals, territorial, types of government, political parties.)
  7. Scientific Information
  8. Human Factors

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